Orthopedic diseases can affect the bones, cartilage, and joints of young animals and cause lameness, stiffness, and difficulty moving. Early diagnosis and treatment are very important for successful outcomes in these diseases. The Vets in The City pet clinic must be aware of the signs and symptoms of these diseases, including lameness, joint pain, swelling, and difficulty moving. Diagnostic tests such as X-rays and blood tests can help confirm the diagnosis. According to the type of disease, the treatment options are different and can include drugs, surgery, or other interventions and may even be incurable. Prevention is also important in reducing the risk of orthopedic diseases in young dogs and cats, by preventing mating and sterilization of animals with genetic disorders, it is possible to prevent genetic diseases in the next generation. Proper nutrition, exercise, and weight management can also contribute to healthy bone and joint development in young animals. Periodic vet checkups can also help identify potential problems at the right time and lead to prompt interventions and treatment. In the rest of this article, we will introduce you to the common problems of this disease:
Cranial Cruciate Ligament Injury
This complication is the main cause of the sudden appearance of lameness in the leg and occurs when one of the internal ligaments of the knee joint is damaged. This injury usually occurs during exercise. In this condition, the knee becomes painful and if the animal is not treated, it will lead to things like arthritis. This condition is seen in overweight and old dogs. Its treatment is a type of surgery performed by a veterinarian.
Disc Disease
The severe pain that occurs in humans in the lower back due to the disc causes a similar complication in dogs. Some purebreds like the Dachshund are prone to disc disease. Visible symptoms start when the disc degenerates because the disc fills the gap between the two vertebrae and its degeneration causes the two vertebrae to rub together. In this case, the animal’s physical activities are reduced and it keeps its head and neck erect. The animal moans when touched. His legs become weak and he has an imbalance. You should take the animal to the vet without delay. It is possible that the animal needs surgery or that the problem can be solved by medicine. Sometimes the intervertebral disc causes paralysis of the lower part of the body.
The most common type of arthritis in dogs is osteoarthritis, which is a degenerative disease that causes joint pain, lameness, and stiffness. This condition is usually seen in old dogs and large breeds. Radiology shows bone changes well. Orthopedic veterinarian a dry, warm, and soft bed should be provided for such animals.

“Everyone has to find what is right for them, and it is different for everyone. Eating for me is how you proclaim your beliefs three times a day. That is why all religions have rules about eating. Three times a day, I remind myself that I value life and do not want to cause pain to or kill other living beings. That is why I eat the way I do.” -Natalie Portman